Free downloading of Working in Harvesting Teams
Mora in Europe and its team are proud to be a part of the Erasmus + Programme ’Tools for Skills – Teacher Training’. The project aims to increase the level of professional skills and language skills among the European Forest Machine Operator. It is built on the work of three previous Leonardo projects.
As a part of the project, you have the opportunity to download the books Working in Harvesting Teams, written and produced by Mora in Europe AB – for free!
Part 1: Basic Knowledge
Part 2: Practical Production
To be able to read the books you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download the program here:
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Step 1 – Get a password
Write your e-mail address to ge a password. We will send you a password to the e-mail address you use in this step. Your e-mail address will not be publiched och distributed.
You should have the password, in your inbox, within 10 minutes. If not so, please go through Step 1 again and be careful when you write your e-mail adress. If the problem still appears after trying one again, please contact us at WiHT[at]mieab.se
Step 2 – Go to downloading page
Click on the link below to open next page where you can download the books. You will need the password from Step 1 to proceed.
At the next step you will be able to choose which part of Working in Harvesting Teams you want to download. You are welcome to download both parts!
Part 1 – Basic Knowledge
Part 2 – Practical Production
Thank you for helping us spreading the word on forestry!
Working in Harvesting Teams is an extraordinary book, written in a very clear language, with a remarkably practical approach, accessible to everyone, excellent illustrations, extremely attractive to the reader.
Prof. Carlos Turc Ph.D.Thank you for the magnificent book ”Working in harvesting teams”. It is so well done and should be red by everybody working with the machines.
Tiina KustulaThis textbook is considered the most significant contribution to this important area of forestry training in recent times.
The design, layout, language, and use of graphics and photographs combine to make this publication one of the best modern textbooks of its kind.
Dr Tebera et al.