Working in Harvesting Teams
New knowledge source for the forest industry
Working in Harvesting Teams is a book in two parts, published by Mora in Europe AB. It is designed to assist the forest industry, forestry colleges and universities, forest owners and others who are involved in forest production. In short, all those who handle the world’s most beautiful and most important raw material – The Forest!
Per-Erik Persson, the author of the books, has a forest engineering degree, but sees himself as a practitioner with life-long experience of forest production. He has also been in charge of training and numerous courses in the forest industry.
There is a great need for a modern book in the forest industry. The book that has been mainly used until today was written in the 1970s. ”I saw that there was a complete lack of this type of training book on the market today”, says Per-Erik, ”that is why I chose to produce books with this focus. It has taken me over 4000 hours to complete the two books, much of the time out in the forest, to get images that clearly illustrate particular situations or operations”.
The educational approach is reinforced with over 650 photographs, illustrations and drawings. The author simply and clearly explains key areas such as the work environment, wetland management and the complex measurement rules for logging.
These handbooks have been widely distributed and used in forestry educational institutions in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. They are also extensively used for basic and continuing education in the forest industry.
More than 650 companies throughout Sweden, such as STORA SKOG AB and SCA SKOG AB, have bought the books, and use them in further training courses for both machine operators and planners.
The Swedish versions of the books have been exported to Sweden’s three neighboring countries, as well as Canada and the Netherlands. They have also been translated into English, Finnish and Lithuanian.
Working in Harvesting Teams
Part 1 – Basic knowledge, 256 pages
Part 2 – Practical production, 336 pages